

Prof. Dr. Adam Ostrzenski developed a G-spotplasty technique by utilizing his own G-spot anatomical structure discovery. Additionally, Prof. Dr. Ostrzenski showed that anatomical anterior vaginal swelling (engorgement) is induced by blood entrapment within the G-spot itself. These discoveries documented that a clitoral model of female sexual response is not the only pathway to reach orgasm in women (discovery, verification, role, and systematic review).

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G-spotplasty is a simple surgical procedure, which is performed on the anterior-distal vaginal wall. This surgical intervention creates more tension on the G-spot, and it is executed under the local anesthesia. G-spotplasty yields very satisfactory results.

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Prof. Ostrzenski’s research is highly suggestive that collagen injections into the anterior-distal vaginal wall for G-spot Amplification® can be harmful. Until the clinical study proves the safety of collagen injection, this procedure should be avoided. It is because before the G-spot, vaginal vein collections (plexus) are located as it was identified by Prof. Ostrzenski.

For Prof. Dr. Ostrzenski’s Curriculum Vitae
