Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Prof. Dr. Ostrzenski defines vaginal rejuvenation as a surgical intervention that transforms gross vaginal anatomy to a naturally build structure. He establishes a new vaginal rejuvenation classification and develops appropriate treatments according to the different classification categories.

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Vaginal Rejuvenation:

• Improves the feeling of natural vaginal sensation

• Restores vaginal ridges (the columnar rugae) and improves the feeling of natural vaginal sensation

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• Improves vaginal sensation of penile friction strokes during vaginal intercourse

• Reconstructs site-specific defects of the vaginal wall and vaginal introitus.

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• Restores the integrity of the posterior perineum (see also the perineoplasty section).

The one-fit-all procedure for vaginal rejuvenation does not exist. Implementing modern technology devices for vaginal rejuvenation before reconstructions of site-specific vaginal defects and the posterior perineum defects is not advisable. Prof. Dr. Adam Ostrzenski develops new surgical procedures (vaginal rejuvenation) for different vaginal medical conditions to rectify symptoms and signs of an acquired sensation of wide/smooth vagina. A reconstruction of vaginal site-specific defects (anterior, posterior, and lateral vaginal wall) may be needed for vaginal rejuvenation. Prof. Dr. Adam Ostrzenski conducted clinical research, which allowed him to develop several surgical techniques for vaginal rejuvenation. The different types of vaginal rejuvenation procedures are presented in the clinical-scientific articles, which is published by Prof. Dr. Ostrzenski in mainstream peer-review journals.

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For Prof. Dr. Ostrzenski’s Curriculum Vitae